Despite the rain, we had a number of families and volunteers for today’s Great Egg Hunt. Thanks to all the volunteers and families who helped make this a fun morning. We were happy to partner with the Zonta Club of Trenton, Environmentors, and the City of Trenton. A big shout out to Mike McCormick, who continues to serve as our leader for this annual event. Thanks, Mike!
“We held our first of two egg hunts (and Spring storytelling) at the Village Charter School this week. Thanks to the TCNJ Circle K and Zonta members who joined us! This Saturday we’ll be at Cadwalader Park hiding thousands of eggs and giving out Easter treats. If you have kids, come join us, registration starts at 9 AM”
From Egg Hunt VCS 2019. Posted by Kiwanis Club of Trenton, NJ on 4/17/2019 (11 items)
- Wet lawns and rainy weather required us to go to plan B, not difficult to "hide&…
- Jonathan, TCNJ Circle K member, reading to the children and dressed as the "happ…
- Paul DeWitt, Village Charter School administrator, with two of the TCNJ Circle K memb…
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